Who is

Hi, I'm Heather (she/her) Registered Dietitian
I love to help clients ditch dieting and make peace with food!
Behind the Plate?
Who is
I created Behind the Plate because of my passion for nutrition counselling and body image coaching. Early in my work as a dietitian I realized that I had a passion for nutrition counselling which is what lead me to starting my private practice. Creating Behind the Plate has allowed me to help more individuals than ever before. I take a collaborative, judgement-free, non-diet approach to nutrition. I work in partnership with my clients to help them achieve their health goals.
Registered Dietitian Acton, Mississauga, Guelph, Burlington, Milton, Oakville, Kitchener, Waterloo, Windsor, Ontario, Canada, Greater Toronto Area, Milton, Vaughan, Barrie, Scarborough, Ottawa, New Brunswick Moncton, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Timmins, Sudbury, Niagara, Hamilton, London, Pickering, Ajax, Cape Breton, Cambridge, Oshawa, New Market, Kingston
About Me
Registered with the College of Dietitians of Ontario
Bachelor of Science in Nutrition, Acadia University
Certified Intuitive Eating Counsellor
Choices & Changes: Motivating Healthy Behaviours, Institute for Healthcare Communication
Canada Good Clinical Practice (GCP) course, Collaborative Institution Training Initiative
I'm on a mission to change the way individuals view their bodies, health and dieting.
I was 9 the first time I looked at my body negatively and wanted to shrink it. By 16, I tried to "cut out carbs" in an effort to change my body. At 20, I was obsessively counting calories and tracking my weight. Luckily, I never developed an eating disorder, but I now recognize how disordered some of my behaviours were. By my mid-twenties everything had changed. Through fitness, self-love and obtaining a degree in science, my body image shifted. This is when I discovered Intuitive Eating, Health At Every Size, the Body Positivity Movement and Feminism. These helped me re-write the narrative in my head which freed up space for more important things like becoming a Registered Dietitian and starting a private practice. I vowed when I became a Registered Dietitian to help other individuals achieve freedom from diet culture, unrealistic beauty standards and harmful diet misinformation through providing accurate, realistic and fad-free Medical Nutrition Therapy.

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I'm on a mission to change the way individuals see their bodies, health and dieting
Are you ready to feel your best without the fad diets?
"In matters of taste, consider nutrition, in matters of nutrition, consider taste"- Julia Child